Mortek sponsored the workshop with subject “Platform Day: Positioning-Cognitive-Self Organized Communication Platforms”, organized by OTE Academy, at Ote Academy Conference Hall, on June 21, 2013.
Conference was organized by OTE’s Wireless Communications Labs in parallel with the presentation of results based on research projects for wireless/mobile cognitive/positioning/self-organized platforms.
Operators’ Executives, Hellenic Telecommunications & Post Commission Executives, University Professors and researchers along with Mortek Executives, attended workshop presentation with great interest.
At Conference hall lobby, innovative research and development systems were presented to the participants. There they had the opportunity to visit Mortek’s stand and view Actelis systems, represented in Greece and Balkan Countries by Mortek.
With Actelis, Service providers and network operators can leverage their existing copper networks to deliver high-speed broadband Ethernet services with fiber-like quality and resiliency at speeds ranging from 15 to 400Mbps to those subscribers and end users who traditionally have been out of reach.

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